Holding and Lifting To ensure safe operation, the workpiece is automatically clamped on the workbench through the suction head. A stable and continuous minimum vacuum must be generated to ensure that the workpiece is tightened during machining.
Before and after processing, the wood must be protected against damage by environmental influences such as heat, moisture, insects and microorganisms. The practice of soaking wood in preservative fluid is widely used, but the disadvantage is that the liquid only penetrates a few millimeters into the wood. However, maximum protection will be achieved if the wood is degassed and dried using a vacuum pump. The preservative can then penetrate deeper for optimal protection.
Wood dryer
Using a vacuum dryer in a traditional wood drying chamber can generally reduce drying time from several weeks to three to four days. During the drying process, the pressure in the drying chamber gradually decreases to a minimum level. Use water vapor to pressurize the dryer and then remove the air to prevent the wood from splitting or discoloring due to high oxygen levels. Centrifugal fans circulate water vapor to deliver heat to the wood. In addition, steam condensate will be discharged from the drying chamber.
Article source:https://www.leynow.com.cn/applications/269.html
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Leynow Company is a high-tech enterprise that develops, sells vacuum pumps and provides solutions in the vacuum field. It provides users with the most reliable, safe and easy-to-use vacuum equipment products and high-quality professional services to help global customers and partners achieve success. The company's main products include: rotary vane vacuum pumps, screw vacuum pumps, Roots vacuum pumps, piston vacuum pumps, etc.
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Troubleshooting solutions
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