With stand-alone compressors or vacuum pumps and central systems, chemicals can be transported safely and economically. Dust-free, thus ensuring loss-free transport, a simple pipe design and no deterioration of the transported material.
Compressor application
Air curtain
Use compressed air as an air curtain to create a safe, clean area.
Control valves and rollers
Control of equipment used in manufacturing processes via compressed air.
gas compression
Gases must be compressed before they can be piped for other uses. In many cases, gas compression can reduce the storage space required.
Material handling
There is no risk of explosion when using liquid pump systems controlled by compressed air in volatile environments.
Nitrogen generation
Compressed air is filtered through a membrane, producing nitrogen used in a variety of chemical applications.
Pneumatic conveying
With stand-alone compressors or vacuum pumps and central systems, chemicals can be transported safely and economically. Dust-free, thus ensuring loss-free transport, a simple pipe design and no deterioration of the transported material.
mobile compressor
Gases must be compressed before they can be piped for other uses. In many cases, gas compression can reduce the storage space required.
Air curtain
Use compressed air as an air curtain to create a safe, clean area.
product drying
Compressed air is mixed with the product to speed up the drying process.
Article source:https://www.leynow.com.cn/applications/276.html
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Leynow Company is a high-tech enterprise that develops, sells vacuum pumps and provides solutions in the vacuum field. It provides users with the most reliable, safe and easy-to-use vacuum equipment products and high-quality professional services to help global customers and partners achieve success. The company's main products include: rotary vane vacuum pumps, screw vacuum pumps, Roots vacuum pumps, piston vacuum pumps, etc.
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Troubleshooting solutions
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