Fluidizing air at the fluidized bed outlet, siphon and soda ash cooler is provided by positive displacement fans.
Compressor application
control valve
Pneumatic valves and rollers are used in many production areas.
Mixing compressed air with product simplifies material handling and delivery.
filter cleaning
Compressed air is used for reverse air jet cleaning, extending filter life and reducing downtime while keeping filters clean.
Raw material handling
Compressed air is considered both safe and reliable and is therefore used to handle hazardous materials such as reactor rods
Blower and vacuum applications
fluidized bed combustion
Through circulating fluidized bed technology, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides can be discharged from the fireplace at a low emission rate while burning high-sulphide products. Fluidizing air at the fluidized bed outlet, siphon and soda ash cooler is provided by positive displacement fans.
exhaust condenser
Condenser venting requires the removal of air and non-condensable gases from the vapor space of the power generation facility condenser. The purpose of purging these gases is to maintain minimum turbine back pressure. The equipment used for this operation is key to ensuring the efficient operation of fossil fuel and nuclear power generation facilities.
Flue gas desulfurization
In power generation facilities, sulfur dioxide is removed from exhaust gases by a continuous flow of low-pressure air. To ensure ongoing pollution control and continued uptime of power generation facilities, compressed air solutions must be highly reliable and energy efficient.
Article source:https://www.leynow.com.cn/applications/273.html
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Leynow Company is a high-tech enterprise that develops, sells vacuum pumps and provides solutions in the vacuum field. It provides users with the most reliable, safe and easy-to-use vacuum equipment products and high-quality professional services to help global customers and partners achieve success. The company's main products include: rotary vane vacuum pumps, screw vacuum pumps, Roots vacuum pumps, piston vacuum pumps, etc.
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